I did not grow up loving, or even liking opera. I would hear this dramatic singing in commercial’s, TV shows, cartoons, and of course, muppets. I suppose I always enjoyed the role it played in these mediums but the heart of the art form was lost on me. As I grew up, both socially and musically, I went on a journey from a distant appreciator of opera, to a curious consumer of opera, to a wide-eyed and eager student of opera, and now finding myself a maker, collaborator, and admirer of opera.
As the maestro in the pit, the demands of the score are both terrifying and thrilling. The pursuit of marrying the music and singing with the staging, design, and acting is a herculean task demanding an emotional, physical, and mental investment. The payoff — the most emotional and expressive art form to exist.
{WP World Premiere; AP American Premiere; NW New Work Workshop}
Argento, Dominick
Miss Havisham’s Wedding Night
Bernstein, Leonard
Candide (Excerpts)
Mass (Excerpts)
West Side Story (Excerpts)
Branscombe, Gena
Pilgrims of Destiny
Ellington, Duke
Sacred Concert
Epstein, Marti
Absent Grace WP
Foss, Lukas
Gilbert & Sullivan
HMS Pinafore
Pirates of Penzance
The Mikado (Excerpts)
Utopia Limited
Shore, Dan
The Beautiful Bridegroom
Freedom Ride NW
Solitro, Tony
A Case of Anxiety WP
Sosa, Jorge & Jacobs, Cerise Lim
Alice in the Pandemic WP
Monkey: A Fung Ku Puppet Parable (Excerpts) WP
Strauss Jr., Johann
Die Fledermaus
Rake’s Progress
Vecchi, Orazio
La Traviata
Visconti, Dan & Jacobs, Cerise Lim
PermaDeath NW
Wheeler, Scott
Midsummer WP
Wilson, Sam
Sunshine Girl WP
Ho, Alice
The Monkiest King
Holland, Jonathan Bailey
The Battle of Bull Run Always Makes Me Cry WP
The Cunning Little Vixen
Krasa, Hans
Sondheim, Stephen
Portman, Rachel
The Little Prince
La Boheme (Excerpts)
Tosca (Excerpts)
Così Fan Tutte
Don Giovanni
The Magic Flute
Kendrick, Eva
Misfortune WP
Peters, Rachel
Steve WP
Rogers, Fred
Let’s Make An Opera in Mister Rogers Neighborhood
Ruders, Poul
The Handmaids Tale (Excerpts)